Sunday, September 30, 2012

Bump in the Road

Why is it that when I make big plans something has to go wrong. I managed to catch a cold and I feel miserable. My husband and I recently came back from a trip to Las Vegas. Unfortunately for him he got sick the day we were flying home. I tried hard not to catch any of his germs. Vitamins, exercise and frequent hand washing. It is probably next to impossible not to catch a cold from the person you live with.

No gym for two days has me going crazy. I am convinced that all the hard work I put in this past week was for nothing. Hopefully I will make a quick recovery and get back to my training. Here's to plenty of rest and fluids.

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Saturday, September 29, 2012

A Fluffy Beginning

A journey has to start somewhere, so here I am. I have a long road ahead of me to go from fluffy to healthy. I am constantly looking for inspiration and motivation. I hope that by blogging my journey I can motivate myself to keep going and never give up. Being fluffy has caused a lot of tears and disappointments. My health has also suffered due to my fluffiness and I hope I can turn that around.

I hope to be able to run marathons, finish triathlons and live a healthy and fit life. I decided to register for my first 5K to motivate me to get my butt in gear. I have chosen to follow one of the couch to 5K programs to train for my first race. Setting a deadline has definitely helped. I joined a gym the day after I registered and have been going after work everyday since. I have 7 more weeks before the race and I am definitely getting a bit nervous. Running is not easy, not yet. I feel like I should be training longer and harder but I always make the rookie mistake of too much too soon. I always end up injuring myself and having to start back at square one. Not this time, this time I am going to train smart.

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